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Update 21.05.2022

2022.05.21 08:36

Final Reset

The current world map along with player levels, items and settlements will be wiped clear in the future when the game is in a more polished state. In the old Dawn one of the issues was with new features coming in the game became more unbalanced towards new players. For example, limited salvage wasn't a thing when the game first appeared, so new players had more difficult time to acquire items than veteran players, and this is one such example. Once the game gets balanced, most bugs fixed and the game itself is more polished, then Dawn 2055 can be reset. The reset will include complete wipe of the map, all items, players progress, levels.

Only exception to the wipe is player accounts. This means if you wish to upgrade your account or acquire custom specialty, then you can do so and the upgrade and any custom specialties will transfer after the wipe (but of course you'll start from level 1).
The plan is improve the game enough so the reset can be done at the end of the summer or the start of autumn. Until then feel free to test the game out and come up with the good starting strategy when the final wipe comes and the new game world launches! Also it's likely there will be some boosts coming to the current test game world to increase the general game progress more and to be able to test later stages of the game sooner.

Global Map

This feature wasn't originally planned at least until the game is released, however due to a popular demand Global Map is implemented in the lasted Dawn 2055 update! In its current state it's not very fleshed out, but it serves its purpose! It's possible to see terrain map, gang map which display territories controlled by different gangs and also shows sector themes map. Each sector theme has unique encounters, npcs and missions. Also in future it's planned to add security map which informs players how secure is any given sector. Most secure sectors will be the ones controlled by npc guards and less secure ones controlled by player bandit gangs or no gangs at all.

Latest Update:

+ Forests generate more wilderness theme points, sparse forests - slightly less
+ Gas Stations and Research centres contribute slightly to Anarchy theme now
+ Bandit gang and player bandit gang structures generate more bandit theme
+ Readjusted vehicle and foot travel speed. Vehicles are now noticeably slower in ruins or forests if they have high penalty for it, faster elsewhere.
+ Required ammo is displayed for all ranged weapons