Explore | Build | Scavange | Craft | Gangs | Vehicles | PVP | Sandbox | Multiplayer

28.05.2022 Update

2022.05.29 08:01
+ Added max encounter panel height
+ Fixed black screen when switching characters
+ Fixed black screen when respawning
+ Fixed regular vehicles displayed as upgraded in garage and warehouse
+ Possible fix for some bosses not spawning

+ To boost the game forward added 2000 caps for all accounts. Vault 55 and Blackwing Sanctum given max upgrades.
+ Added loot for Pack of roaming Wolves and Pack of roaming Dogs
+ Reduced fuel consumption for all vehicles 2x
+ Added map texture caching, performance should be better.
+ Fixed: merc contract extended for 30 days if 7 or 14 days selected
+ Vehicles slightly faster in desert or street areas
+ Fixed wrong tooltips for perks
+ Confirm email message after level 5, if email is not confirmed.
+ Fixed: When extending merc contract, caps don't update
+ Friendlies list becomes scrollable if it exceeds maximum height in PVP screen
+ Fixed a bug which allowed to store almost twice items and materials in the stash.
+ Fixed hidden stash finding. Use salvage button to find stashes hidden by other players. Success on finding a stash is dependent on scouting and salvaging skill
+ Missions take in account structure level (displayed at notice board) instead of bar level.
+ Changed mission requirements for some missions - now takes in account also neighbor sector themes
+ Increased reward for Guard the gate mission as reward was the same as other level 1 missions
+ Some pvp bugs fixed
+ Fight screen is now minimized when fight is in progress
+ fight screen, add close button after fight finished